Wednesday, August 27, 2008


i have been waiting for this moment for an entire year;
ever since i saw it online as a rumor.

Audrey Tautou is Coco Chanel in Coco Avant Chanel.

just thinking about it makes me flip out!
not only is this movie going to be completely amazing because of it's story, but Audrey Tautou is an absolutely incredible actress.
Filming will commence in September and take place, where else except Paris!!
CANNOT wait until i get to see it!!!!


Anonymous said...

ahh i saw a preview for that on lifetime! can't wait for it either, i learnt about her from my clothing and fashion class

Unknown said...

how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!

really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you

Anonymous said...

oh okay i didn't see that pic before haha. i'll look out for that movie too:)